I wish there were a proven method to handle these situations. There isn’t. We don’t know what the manager and VP think. We do know that the employee must make a decision. They need to decide how to work together with their manager or what next steps to take. These articles might help help you make the right decision.

These articles focus on the relationship between the employee and the manager.

How to get your manager to recognize good work

You are a good person. But you don’t get the recognition that you deserve. How can you get your manager recognized for your hard work?

How to tell if your boss is a bully (or just tough)

Bully accusations should not be ignored if a boss says they love them “toughly”. It is important to do an objective, honest assessment and act accordingly.

How to Deal with a Trash Talking Manager

What should an employee do if their manager is constantly shaming them? Foley & Lardner’s friends offer some suggestions.

Other than speaking with their manager directly, employees who feel they must take action have a few options: human resources, outside lawyers, or a new business. It’s crucial to ask yourself the following question: “What do you hope to get out of meeting with your boss?”

Employees Want to Take the Record

HR is responsible for the business and employees. What can HR do if an employee requests to be on the record but in confidence? Attorney Kate Bischoff shares her expertise.

3 Reasons to Leave Your Current Job

It is a big decision and one that requires careful thought. These are three reasons why you might consider quitting your job.

Employees – When should you lawyer up?

An employee may require a lawyer at one point in their career. These legal experts help you understand when and why you might need a lawyer.

This is an extremely delicate situation. Employees must think about the future of their working relationships. This doesn’t mean that you should ignore bad behavior. This means that you should spend some time thinking about the outcome desired and the likelihood of it happening. Many employees have expressed concerns, but when asked what they would like to see in the future, they didn’t know. As Hamilton sang in Hamilton’s Broadway musical, you don’t have a second chance.

By Vicki

‘HR Shopper’ has a 10 years of experience in management and HR in top 2 global MNC’s. Understanding the employee needs as well as organization productivity she adopts the techniques that create perfect balance satisfying the needs of both.

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