It’s not necessary to say that the HR departments are very busy right now. They are responsible for employee return to the workplace and drafting guidelines for employees who will work remotely. HR is also trying to figure out how to enroll in virtual annual benefits.
All of these activities have a significant impact. Compliance with HR is another important area in human resources.
Compliance issues cannot be ignored. Many HR departments lack the time and resources to research each state, federal, or local law. Or, even if they have the time, it does not bring the greatest value to the organization.
Employers are responsible for informing employees of their rights under the law. Employers often inform employees about their rights using labor law posters and handouts. What might surprise you is the requirement for foreign languages.
According to the 2018 Census Survey, almost 60 million Hispanics live in the United States. This is approximately 20% of the total population. According to the survey, approximately 41 million people speak Spanish in their homes, about 14% of all respondents.
It is a requirement in 19 states and Washington, DC, to post certain labor law notices written in Spanish. Even if there are no Spanish-speaking employees, it is a requirement that the notices be posted. If you have certain employees who speak Spanish, some posters at the local, state and federal levels must be in Spanish. For example, the federal Family and Medical Leave Act poster must be placed in Spanish at any location with “significant” Spanish-speaking employees.
It is unclear how to define “significant amount” in law, so I asked Ashley Kaplan Esquire, Senior Employment Law Attorney at ComplyRight, for some guidance. Ashley is the Poster Guard’s legal representative. Although the FMLA regulations don’t define “significant number”, it is best to post in Spanish, based upon similar state and local laws, if more than 5% of the workforce is affected by them.
Spanish posting requirements are just one example of the time-consuming and complex labor law posting compliance. Some services can help you comply with the law. This is a brief overview of the Poster Guard Compliance Protection Service.
- It allows organizations to post their federal, state, or local requirements. It can be written in English, Spanish, or any other language. Also, industry-specific postings.
- Notices can be sent electronically, in smaller binder formats, or printed on poster paper.
- Poster Guard will monitor federal and state laws and send replacement posts when they change.
I have used a labor posting service before and can’t say enough positive things about it. Consider the benefits this service can bring to your HR department’s productivity.
- HR departments should spend less administration time on activities that require face-to-face interactions, such as recruiting, training, or performance coaching.
- Ensure compliance. Don’t get me wrong. Respect is essential. We don’t have it all. Poster Guard is a great addition to our human resource team.
- Do right by employees. As I stated at the beginning, employers have a responsibility to inform employees about their rights. The organization not only complies with the law but also directs its efforts towards other activities, such as training, performance and recognition.