SHRM presented a new competency framework for human resource professionals at their Annual Conference in Atlanta. It includes 1 technical competency as well as 8 behavioural competencies. The HR Technical Expertise is the technical competency. This is basic knowledge about legislation, policy, and procedure.
These are the behavioural competencies:
- Relationship Management The ability to manage interactions between and with others
- Consultation The art of giving guidance
- Organizational Leadership & Navigation – The ability to direct initiatives, processes and programs
- Communication for Impact– The ability to efficiently exchange information
- Cultural and Global Effectiveness – The art of managing human resources across borders
- Ethical Practice The integration of core values and integrity with accountability
- Business Acumen: The ability to understand and measure business functions
- Critical Evaluation The ability to interpret information (e.g. data, metrics, etc.) Data, metrics, etc. are necessary to make informed decisions
It is not the first time a competency model for human resources has been created. One was also published by the RBL Group, Dave Ulrich, and the University of Michigan. You can see it. Although they may not be the same, both competencies seem similar. They are just packaged differently.
I am curious, where should I focus my energy? Some would say that they have them all. This is not realistic. Instead of focusing your attention on 8 things, it is better to concentrate on one or two and then become proficient at the other. What competencies should I concentrate on? Which one will make the biggest impact?