There are so many great HR-related blogs on the web (don’t forget the newsletters! ), and deciding what ones you want to check out could be a lengthy process.
The websites that we included might appear out of the H.R. realm, So we chose to include crucial topics like engaging employees and the company’s culture. These topics are increasingly critical to the growing job of H.R. professionals in the present and are what we think is missing on other popular H.R. blog lists.
When you’ve picked your favorites, think about rounding off your list by incorporating a few commercial newsletters. We also suggest looking into Bambee If you’re trying to optimize the H.R. process and eliminate processes that result in administrative redundancies.
What’s it all about? The Nectar Blog focuses on the most current HR-related topics, such as the company’s culture, employee experience, employee recognition, engagement, and corporate health and wellness. Get an understanding of the most recent trends, particularly those that relate to remote work, in addition to “the new normal.”
The SnackNation Blog
What’s it all about? Yes, we shamelessly included ourselves on this list. But let us explain! This blog shows that even “non-traditional H.R. blogs” can still be valuable for those working in H.R. The SnackNation blog is a resource for companies to improve the culture of their workplace, discover new health and wellness strategies, and boost the engagement of employees. If you’re looking to create an office atmosphere where employees are content and healthy, then you’re on the right track!
The Blueboard Blog
Principal Writers: The Blueboard content group, as well as H.R. experts, sales managers, and a diverse group of Blueboarders who are devoted and friendly. Should you be interested in contributing to Blueboard, send an email to
What’s the deal: Blueboard’s blog is designed to encourage H.R. and sales managers to acknowledge their employees in genuine, meaningful ways. They offer fresh perspectives on topics that are trending, such as what trends are shaping the future development of the business and the best way to adjust recognition programs to changing times. Smart strategies, best practices, and inventive procedures abound in their extensive webinar recaps, too. Similar to their rewards for experiential learning and tips, you’ll discover the Blueboard blog full of adventure. You are free to utilize any of their ideas to create your programs, ranging from motivation and engagement for employees all the way up to employer branding and recognition for sales!
Motivosity Blog
What’s the deal: Every list of H.R. blogs should include one that is focused on employees and their well-being. Motivosity is one of them. Motivosity blog is a source of employee-centric content with a fresh angle, providing answers to your most frequently asked questions about employees’ happiness and offering an abundance of ideas to implement easily in your workplace.
The H.R. Capitalist
What’s it all about? While other H.R. blogs focus on strategies, this one is specific. In actual fact, H.R. Capitalist writer, Kris Dunn, says:
“My eyes get glossy when H.R. people start talking about being strategic without being specific.”
That’s among the main reasons why he founded H.R. Capitalist, which is to create an organization that can turn strategic concepts into practical lessons that can be used to help H.R. professionals all over the world.
Workology (formerly The Recruiter’s Lounge)
What’s the deal: Some of the best H.R. blogs concentrate on a specific topic…to aid you in becoming an expert in it. This one is about recruiting, be it searching for a job, sourcing techniques, or technology. Each post focuses on the mysterious and ever-changing world of recruitment, so you’re sure to find something fresh each time you visit the blog.
What’s it all about: The CareerPlug blog is designed to help non-HR professionals make better hires; we’re discussing anyone from small business owners to franchise owners to those who’ve never had the notion of “candidate experience” before. If hiring isn’t a primary task, CareerPlug is the blog for you. They even demand all of them to be certified as Hiring Experts so that they don’t require you to be one. Their advice is useful and practical, drawn from their tried and true hiring process that they’ve spent many years working on.
The Harvard Business Review
What’s it all about? While HBR isn’t technically an actual blog, it’s an expert-written website that any business professional must take the time to read. The non-blog made it onto our top human resource blogs because it exemplifies the most intelligent discussions on online business topics in H.R., including the development of leadership and generational issues.
Laurie Ruettimann
What’s the deal? Laurie Ruettimann isn’t afraid to share her knowledge on H.R., even when it’s not what you’re looking for. The blogger is always clear and fresh and writes posts that make you think about how you conduct your business. And, given the wide range of topics she writes about and the variety of topics she covers, you’ll never get bored. On one day, it’s asking questions for an interview, and the next, you could be working on the perfect performance improvement plan.
What’s it all about: EddyHR is helping H.R. professionals discover the latest ideas and topics related to human resources by using the use of a concise and clear voice. Their posts are relevant to current H.R. topics, trends, and issues, usually offering comprehensive information that can help readers better understand H.R. The blog provides a variety of categories for readers to choose from, including payroll, benefits, PTO as well as company culture, and many other topics that are related along with important details that are beneficial to readers on each blog post.
The Good.Co Blog
What’s the deal: The company behind the blog has been dubbed ” the job-hunting lovechild of e-Harmony and LinkedIn.” Good. Co helps people in finding their perfect career partner by providing questions and articles based on their Proprietary Psychometric algorithm. Since other blogs listed on this list do not use Good, Co’s exclusive data, you won’t see posts that are similar to theirs on other websites. Based on this information.’ the centers discuss gender equality, celebrities, trends, companies, and much more.